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有關外界指稱「美國紐約州法院2015年8月就B & M Kingstone與本行間請求依傳票提供資料之訴訟判決,係本行洗錢之證據」乙事,本行特此澄清如下:

一、該案之訴訟並非調查或審判本行是否涉及洗錢,純粹肇因於原告B & M Kingstone與債務人Samson Wu間商業糾紛,原告為進一步追查債務人財產,始另案聲請紐約州法院對本行核發傳票,要求本行提供包含美國以外全球所有分行之債務人往來資料。儘管Samson Wu於本行並無開立任何帳戶,惟本行基於各國均有銀行對客戶資料負保密義務之法令,美國紐約州法院是否有權調閱美國境外其他國家客戶資料之問題仍有爭議,且本案未來有形成通案之風險,故本行委請律師依法答辯,反對紐約州法院有權調閱美國境外客戶資料,因此本案自始即與洗錢全然無涉。

二、另外界引用美國紐約州法院判決內文所載”Kingstone alleges that the judgment debtors have been deliberately evading enforcement of the judgment, including filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy petitions, destroying material evidence, relocating inventory from Florida to Shanghai, China, and continuing to make use of Super Vision’s proprietary equipment in Shanghai.”及”Kingstone set forth information that had been learned by a private investigator allegedly showing that Mega was intimately involved with the Judgment debtors, especially Wu, and was involved in efforts to conceal the judgment debtor’s assets, including through transactions in Panama, where the manager of the Free Zone branch of Mega was an officer of companies owned by Wu.”,上開文字均係原告單方面說法,渠所稱債務人有脫產行為、本行與債務人關係密切、及本行巴拿馬分行經理曾在債務人公司任職等陳述,均非經法院查證並認定之事實,故外界稱該等文字證實本行有洗錢行為,均屬有誤。
