

Operation of the CSR Committee


At the end of 2013, the Company set up the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, where the President of the Company acts as the chairperson, the Senior Executive Vice President of the Company acts as the executive secretary, and executive vice presidents of the Company or presidents or executive vice presidents of subsidiaries act as the members. The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee is divided into five Working Groups, namely Corporate Governance Working Group, Customer Commitment Working Group, Environmental Protection Working Group, Employee Care Working Group, and Social Welfare Working Group. The members of the Working Groups are composed of employees of the Company and its subsidiaries, Mega Bank Cultural and Educational Foundation, and Mega Charity Foundation. Two Directors from Mega Holdings were added in 2019 to continue to enhance CSR operations.

Organizational Chart of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

At the beginning of each year, each Working Group shall submit the specific implementation plans covering economic, environmental and social aspects to the CSR Committee and Board of Directors. They shall also regularly report implementation performance regarding these three aspects to the said Committee and Board at the end of each year. Five meetings of the CSR Committee were convened in 2019. The Company tracks and reviews the achievement status of CSR implementation plans and targets. The results of implementation of sustainable development and short, medium, and long-term goals in 2019 as below.

Results and short/medium/long-term goals of sustainability practices of Mega Financial Holding Co., Ltd. in 2019