

Ethical Management


To establish a sound corporate governance system and a culture of ethical management, Mega Holdings and subsidiaries have established the "Principles for Ethical Management ", "Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct", and "Codes of Ethical Conduct" and regularly reports the compliance status of ethical management to the Board of Directors. Starting in 2019, directors and senior executives ranked Vice President and above have been required to submit statements of compliance for the Ethical Corporate Management Policy. Through regular educational training and campaign activities in coordination with internal control and internal audit measures, all employees are educated on the company's ethical corporate management policy, prevention plans, operating procedures, and consequences of unethical conducts to incorporate ethical management as a part of the corporate culture.

The Group has organized internal and external training on ethical management (including UNCAC, whistleblower protection, ethical corporate management, employee confidentiality, misappropriation of client funds by wealth management specialists, and other training programs) with 9,617 enrollments and a completion rate of 99.59% in 2019. Only certain employees were unable to attend training programs due to their shift schedule or duties. We shall continue to follow up on the training completion rate including universal training methods such as online learning to attain the target completion rate of 100%.

Information Disclosure

■ Procedures for Handling Material Inside Information

The Company's Board of Directors established the Procedures for Handling Material Inside Information to regulate the procedures for publishing material inside information, prevent inappropriate leaks of information, and ensure the consistency and accuracy of information disseminated by Mega Holdings to the outside world. The Company established confidentiality firewall procedures for individuals and items and established the principles for the disclosure of material inside information as well as the spokesperson system. All employees shall comply with the Procedures in operations.

■ Disclosure of Financial Information

As a principle, Mega Holdings discloses information on business and finance and other non-financial information on a regular basis and participates in investor forums and investor conferences organized by securities companies at home and abroad from time to time. In 2019, the Company organized 268 meetings and telephone conferences with investors at home and abroad and attended 3 investor conferences organized by foreign securities companies. We also organized 2 independent online investor conference. Information on business and finance presented in the investor conferences has been disclosed on the Market Observation Post System and the Company's website.

■ Disclosure of Non-Financial Information

Mega Holdings prepares its Corporate Social Responsibility Report each year to disclose its economic, social, and environmental performance. The Reports are verified by a third party and published on the Company's website and the Market Observation Post System to actively disclose non-financial information.

■ Stakeholders Section

Mega Holdings has established a "Stakeholder Communication" section under "CSR" on the Company website to disclose the contacts and contact methods for investors, customers, suppliers, employees, and CSR issues for stakeholders to express their opinions and for the Company to collect information on issues of concern to stakeholders. The Company promptly responds to stakeholders' opinions and includes them as references for the implementation of CSR plans.

Whistleblowing System

To establish an ethical and transparent corporate culture and promote sound operations, Mega Holdings has established a whistleblowing system and specified the whistleblowing hotline, whistleblowing mailbox, and protective measures for whistleblowers. Independent units are assigned to exercise rights and take charge of processing reports. Employees and external personnel may use the whistleblowing channels to report illegal, immoral, or unethical conduct.