

Energy and Greenhouse Gas Management

The Company falls into the service industry and does not engage in any manufacturing activities. The energy consumption is mainly from electricity used in the offices; the gasoline consumption is mainly from company cars; the consumption of natural gas is mainly from employees' cafeterias.

Energy Consumption in the last four years (2015 to 2018):

Greenhouse Gas Management

In 2015, the Company introduced the ISO 14064-1 greenhouse gas inventory to five main buildings for demonstration; later, the Company expanded the scope of the inventory and obtained the certification. By 2021, the Company plans to complete greenhouse gas inventory in business locations nationwide by north, central, and south regions successively. The Company initiated the inventory project for 90 locations in northern Taiwan in November 2018 and obtained the certification in April 2019.
Due to the characteristics of the industry, the Company mainly consumes electricity in its operations. In 2018, the carbon emissions per capita of the Group decreased by 4.06% and total carbon emissions was reduced by 47 tons. The total emissions decreased by 0.23% from the previous year. The Company aims to reduce carbon emissions by 1% each year and we shall continue to actively implement energy conservation measures.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Last Four Years (from 2015 to 2018):